The Quality Policy

The quality policy is a top management document to express the directive of the top management for an organization with…
| 29/08/2024

Planning actions to achieve the quality objectives

Striving to achieve the quality objective and taking actions to address failures, results in continual improvement of the Quality Management…
| 15/04/2023

Setting SMART Compliant Quality Objectives

They are clear set measurable goals that are intended for increasing the value of an organization’s processes with a target…
| 14/04/2023

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Part 3)

Action to address risk shall be appropriate to the impact of the risk. Results from actions to address risk and…
| 14/04/2023

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Part 2)

It is required that an organization shall take action to address the risk or opportunity associated with every issue identified…
| 13/04/2023

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Part 1)

A planned process is more likely to achieve desired results. An organization shall be able to plan its processes to…
| 13/04/2023

Introduction To Quality Management System And The Standard

Quality management system is a set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, and…
| 27/07/2022

Introduction to ISO 9001:2015 Book (QMS Made Easy)

Introduction to ISO 9001:2015 Book (Quality Management System Made Easy) Learn and...
| 26/07/2022

Charicon CNL set to sell knowledge on Learndesk

We are set to sell our first learning content on Learndesk selling platform
| 24/07/2022

Charicon CNL acquires certified trainers

Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) is a global provider of personnel training, examination, and certification services
| 23/07/2022

Charicon CNL establishes an E-learning platform

In our drive to ensure adequate understanding and implementation of the relevant Management Systems, we have established an E-learning HUB…
| 23/07/2022

Charicon CNL signs a partnership agreement with PECB

(23rd of June, 2022) – As of today, Charicon Contracting Nigeria Limited has signed a new partnership agreement with PECB.…
| 23/07/2022
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Older posts...

Charicon CNL to lunch an ISO 9001:2015 E-Book soon.

Charicon Contracting Nigeria Limited has developed…
by | 23/07/2022
by | 23/07/2022

Charicon CNL establishes an E-learning platform

In our drive to ensure adequate…
by | 23/07/2022

Charicon CNL acquires certified trainers

Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB)…
by | 23/07/2022
by | 24/07/2022

Introduction to ISO 9001:2015 Book (QMS Made Easy)

Introduction to ISO 9001:2015 Book (Quality…
by | 26/07/2022

Introduction To Quality Management System And The Standard

Quality management system is a set…
by | 27/07/2022

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Part 1)

A planned process is more likely…
by | 13/04/2023

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Part 2)

It is required that an organization…
by | 13/04/2023

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Part 3)

Action to address risk shall be…
by | 14/04/2023

Setting SMART Compliant Quality Objectives

They are clear set measurable goals…
by | 14/04/2023

Planning actions to achieve the quality objectives

Striving to achieve the quality objective…
by | 15/04/2023